About Our Program
Solano Community College Department of Public Safety Volunteer Chaplain program is designed to create a partnership with various faith-based leaders from our community to respond and assist Public Safety personnel during times of crisis or other law enforcement related incidents involving the campus community.
By having the Public Safety and Clergy working together during times of crisis or incidents, a more comprehensive response will be given to those in need.
The Volunteer Chaplains will perform tasks of a more emotional, social or spiritual nature while public safety handles tasks that are of a law enforcement nature. A Volunteer Public Safety Chaplain is called upon to assist with death notifications, provide victim assistance, visit sick or injured personnel, and speak with students and staff when requested.
All of our Public Safety Chaplains are ordained or licensed by a duly recognized religious body.
They have sufficient leadership skills and counseling experience within their religious body to be able to cope with the spiritual, psychological and social needs of the students and staff at Solano Community College.
All DPS chaplains have successfully passed a background check. Our Public Safety Chaplains are non-paid volunteers and they do this because they love to serve their community.
Public Safety Chaplains are available by calling 707-580-6526.
Iman Faridbeg Mirza is currently an Imam at the Masjid Al Noor, Fairfield, CA where he has been serving since 2002. He is also a Haji leader where he organizes and lead a Haji pilgrimage group every year to the Holy cites of Mecca and Madinah.
Imam Mirza began his religious studies in 1976 when he attended the Darul Uloom Falah-e-Darain Islamic School. It was an 11-year course in traditional Islamic scholarships with a concentration on Arabic Fiqh, Hadith, and Tafseer (an equivalent to a Master of Arts in the U.S.)
Imam Mirza is passionate about community involvement and volunteers as a Muslim chaplain visiting ill people at local hospitals. He also provides them with counsel, give them moral support and hope as well as he prays for their quick recovery. In cases of death, he helps families organize funerals and burials as well as help them prepare any legal paperwork as necessary.
He also visits local and state prisons where he conducts educational programs for reverted Muslim inmates. He provides guidance for them and teach them Islamic education and answer their questions and inquiries.
Imam Mirza is an active participant in the interfaith programs as a Muslim scholar. He participates in civil events in the local community. He also donates his time to help talk to the homeless community in Solano County.
Pastor. Dr. David C. Isom is the proud Pastor of the St. Stephen CME Church, Fairfield, CA where he has been serving since 2007. He is married to Stephanie Jean, a wonderfully gifted Christian woman and his help-meet.
Pastor Isom is currently in his fourth term on the Governing Board of the Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District (FSUSD), where he currently serves as President of the Board. FSUSD is the largest School District in Solano County with an average daily attendance of over 20,000 students. He has served on the Fairfield Police Department (FPD) Citizens Review Board, and as an Evaluator for the FPD Promotions Exam.
Passionate about community involvement and social justice, Pastor Isom served as the Family Violence Prevention Officer for Solano County (District Attorney’s Office) and was Interim Executive Director of SafeQuest Solano, a Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program and Shelter that has been serving victims and survivors of Intimate Partner Violence since 1987.
He served as a member of Solano County’s (CA) Strategic Planning Committee for the implementation of a Domestic Violence Coordinated Community Response Facility (CCR) in Fairfield, CA and for several years was responsible for training Staff Chaplains for the Crystal Judson Family Justice Center (CCR – Tacoma, WA) which addresses the needs of victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.
Pastor Isom has been instrumental in the creation of numerous programs and the implementation of strategies that address Domestic Violence within the Faith Community. A Male Ally, Community Educator, Pastor, Chaplain, Administrator, Victim Advocate, Researcher and Licensed Counselor.
Rabbi Chaim Zaklos was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. He studied in Yeshivas in New York, Israel, and Montreal, and received his Rabbinical Ordination from the Central Chabad Yeshiva. He has traveled on Chabad tours of duty in Ukraine, Estonia, and Croatia. For more than five years, Rabbi Chaim led services, presented educational seminars, and conducted community outreach across the United States, and served as an associate Rabbi at the Chabad Lubavitch of Midtown Manhattan &f Naples Florida. In Solano County since 2009, Rabbi Chaim is the Jewish Chaplain at California Medical Facility and Volunteer Chaplain at Travis Air Force Base.
Rabbi Chaim is married to Rebbetzin Aidel [nee Blau] and they have eight children together.
Together, the Zakloses are a powerful team generating warmth and happiness to friends, families, and everyone they meet. With their warm smiles and non-judgmental approach, Rabbi Chaim and Aidel have successfully brought together a most vibrant community of Jews in Solano County.