Solano Community College District offers a variety of instructional and administrative computer and communications systems that support its educational and support programs. Such resources are available to students, faculty and staff. They are to be used for college-related activities. Computers and networks provide access to an immense number of resources on and off campus, as well as the ability to communicate locally or worldwide. Open access to such resources should be consider a privilege and requires individuals to act responsibly. Individuals must not alter the integrity of the systems and must observe all laws, regulations and contractual obligations.
Employees and students who use District computers and networks, the information they contain and related resources have a responsibility not to abuse those resources and to respect the rights of others. The Superintendent/President shall establish procedures that provide guidelines to students and staff of the appropriate use of information technologies. The procedures shall include that users must respect software copyrights and licenses, respect the integrity of computer-based information resources, refrain from seeking to gain unauthorized access, and respect the rights of other computer users.
Technology Services and Support staff value all customer information and ensure that all information is treated with the utmost respect. All Technology and Support staff have signed the following Confidentiality statements.
Security and confidentiality are matters of concern to all Solano Community College District (SCCD) employees and contract staff, including all persons who have access to student, financial, and employee records.
SCCD is bound by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), a federal law regarding the privacy of student records. SCCD and its employees are also bound by other federal and state laws, including HIPAA and other medical information protection laws, the Graham-Leach-Bliley Act and PCIDSS laws and regulations protecting payment card and financial information, and California’s Information Practices Act of 1977, to protect financial, employment and medical records. (These laws and regulations are outlined on the reverse side of this document.)
All SCCD employee and student records are to be considered confidential and, therefore, each employee of SCCD is responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of these records. This also applies to current or former students who are employed by the District or who are extended work experience opportunities involving access to student, financial or employee records. Regardless of employment status, these students take on the same responsibility as an employee with respect to maintaining security and confidentiality.
An individual’s conduct, either on or off the job, may threaten the security and confidentiality of records. Each employee and/or student employee/representative and/or contract staff member is expected to adhere to the following rules and regulations:
It is highly recommended that you utilize your network storage (Ishtar server, commonly known as the “Z: drive”) for saving files. Your user My Documents are set up to automatically store at this location and all files on this store are backed up overnight.
NOTE: Any files that are written during the work day and deleted either accidentally or on purpose do not get backed up to tape and thus are not recoverable because they never had the chance to be written to a backup tape at night.
NOTE: Any files you save on your local hard drive (the “C: drive”) do not get backed up by central backup services therefore it is your responsibility to provide for backup of such files. We strongly recommend you not save files to your local hard drive unless you have and practice a reliable backup plan.
NOTE: Owners of district laptops can save files to a local copy of their “Z: drive” when not attached to our network and those files will be “synchronized” with their network storage upon connection to the network. The files will then be backed up to tape that night.
File Retrieval
Currently backup tapes are maintained at an offsite location for a month. This means we can help you recover from deletes or changes only if the delete or change occurred within the last 30 days. Any requests for retrieval of data should be coordinated through the helpdesk using our easy online form, by email, or by calling (x4690).
Data Archival
Upon termination of employment:
The hard drive of all employees district computer is removed and stored for a period of 6 months. It is then cleared and returned for re-use.
For all managers of the district, file shares and email store will be written to DVD and kept indefinitely.
Disposal – Solano Community College Policy 3320
The Superintendent/President or his/her designee is delegated authority by the Governing Board to declare as surplus such personal property of the District as is no longer useful for District purposes, and shall establish procedures to dispose of such property in accordance with applicable law. All sales of surplus personal property shall be reported to the Governing Board on a periodic basis. This policy shall not be construed as authorizing any representative of the District to dispose of surplus real property at any time.
Solano Community College Business Services Policy 3320
Education Code 81450.5 provides that a community college district may donate any personal property belonging to the District if the District determines that the property is no longer required for school purposes provided that the property is donated to a school district, a community college district, or a public entity.
NOTE: All donations must be approved by the District Governing Board.
All potential donations are handled through the Facilities Department.
All equipment comes to Technology Services & Support for evaluation, possible upgrade, and/or reallocation. Any Technology equipment that cannot be donated, upgraded, reallocated, or maybe damaged or beyond economical repair, will be disposed of to a valid electronic waste recycling center. The coordination of recycling is handled through the Facilities Department.
Temporary Quota Increase
Technology Services & Support can accommodate special circumstances by temporarily increasing one or more of the listed quotas. Example: You are working on a long project that requires the need to store and save large files that in doing so would exceed your allotted quota. Any such request would need the department manager’s approval and would require a written justification. Please submit all requests to the Helpdesk via our easy online form, by email, or call x4690.
Permanent Quota Increase
If any of the listed quote amounts are not sufficient for your daily work please contact the Helpdesk via our easy online form, by email, or call x4690 to request an increase in allotment. Just as in the temporary increase the department manager would need to approve a request for increase and a written justification would need to be provided. Simply stating that you have reached your quota is not a justifiable reason for an increase.
Quota Increase Approval
Approvals of quota increases are not automatic. Technology Services and Support will conduct an assessment of the requestor’s network storage usage and decide whether or not an increase is warranted. Remember only district related items are to be stored on our servers. A couple of the things we look for in a user’s account when requests for increases are received are a) large amounts of personal photos; b) large amounts of personal music; and c) large number of old files or e-mails. All of these items take up large amount of server space.
Reasons for Limited Storage
Network space is expensive and not unlimited. Therefore we do our best to try and keep costs down while still providing a quality functioning network structure for all to use. Additionally, significant increase in storage results in significant increases in backup time, and backup media which will ultimately lead to the need for a bigger, faster backup system. Methods (such as archiving old email to an external hard drive or storing large amounts of pictures on a DVD) are preferable since they are far less expensive ways of achieving more storage.
We Are Here to Help
Technology Services and Support is more than willing to consult with any users to figure out the best solution for their data storage needs, and increase user’s data storage quota if our assessment concludes it is necessary to do so.